The Road to Nowhere

Rishi Kandra
2 min readNov 22, 2021

Trigger Warning: This poem contains descriptive information about my experience with depression & suicidal thoughts. It may be triggering to readers with similar experiences. If you’re having recurring thoughts about suicide, please consider seeking help from a professional.

Brent Cox on Unsplash.

Last Friday night
I picked up my keys and put on my mask
Hiding behind the precautions
To avoid the questions that anyone would ask

Yet, they checked, “Where are you headed to?”
I said, “Nowhere, just need to clear my head”
“Talk to us, what’s up?” they asked innocently
How do I show them every scar, that once bled?

Galloped down the stairs, scrolling through my music library
Settled on Airplanes Part 2, well who doesn’t want a wish
Little did I know what the next 120 kms had in store
A trip to nowhere, but further down into the never ending abyss

I jumped in the car, drove as far as I could go
Privilege booming, not valuing life as much as I should be
Suicidal tendencies & thoughts rushing, driving me crazy
Only to be drowned in the blasting music, still not truly free



Rishi Kandra

Consultant by day, part time poet/writer by night. Here to talk about random observations, love, mental health and acceptance. I like new ways to think.